티스토리 뷰
ImageView에서 작은 이미지를 눌렀을때 이미지 확대해주는 기능이 필요하다.
구글에 이미지 확대를 해주면서 animation이 되는 코드가 있어 이 코드를 참고해서 구현을 했다.
zoom 이미지를 터치하면 다시 작아지는데
zoom 이미지를 pinch-to-zoom 기능이 추가가 필요해서 PhotoView library를 추가했다.
전체 적용한 코드
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
이미지 Click시 zoom 이벤트 추가
private var shortAnimationDuration: Int = 0
private lateinit var expandedImageView: PhotoView
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mBannerSlider = findViewById(R.id.banner_slider)
mBannerSlider.setOnSlideClickListener {
// 이미지 줌 기능 추가 - 이미지 touch시 zoom된 이미지 animation으로 보여줌
zoomImageFromThumb(mBannerSlider.findViewById(R.id.banner_slider), mFileList[index])
// 이미지 줌 기능 추가
// Retrieve and cache the system's default "short" animation time.
shortAnimationDuration = resources.getInteger(android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime)
zoom 기능 코드
private fun zoomImageFromThumb(thumbView: View, imageFile: String) {
// If there's an animation in progress, cancel it
// immediately and proceed with this one.
// 이전버튼 동작을 위해 추가
mThumbView = thumbView
// Load the high-resolution "zoomed-in" image.
// original 코드
// val expandedImageView: ImageView = findViewById(R.id.expanded_image)
// expandedImageView.setImageResource(imageResId)
// 파일을 읽어서 보여주기 때문에 file URI로 변경
expandedImageView = findViewById(R.id.expanded_image)
val f = AppUtil.getFile(imageFile)
// Calculate the starting and ending bounds for the zoomed-in image.
// This step involves lots of math. Yay, math.
val startBoundsInt = Rect()
val finalBoundsInt = Rect()
val globalOffset = Point()
// The start bounds are the global visible rectangle of the thumbnail,
// and the final bounds are the global visible rectangle of the container
// view. Also set the container view's offset as the origin for the
// bounds, since that's the origin for the positioning animation
// properties (X, Y).
.getGlobalVisibleRect(finalBoundsInt, globalOffset)
startBoundsInt.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y)
finalBoundsInt.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y)
val startBounds = RectF(startBoundsInt)
val finalBounds = RectF(finalBoundsInt)
// 이전버튼 동작을 위해 추가
mStartBounds = startBounds
// Adjust the start bounds to be the same aspect ratio as the final
// bounds using the "center crop" technique. This prevents undesirable
// stretching during the animation. Also calculate the start scaling
// factor (the end scaling factor is always 1.0).
val startScale: Float
if ((finalBounds.width() / finalBounds.height() > startBounds.width() / startBounds.height())) {
// Extend start bounds horizontally
startScale = startBounds.height() / finalBounds.height()
val startWidth: Float = startScale * finalBounds.width()
val deltaWidth: Float = (startWidth - startBounds.width()) / 2
startBounds.left -= deltaWidth.toInt()
startBounds.right += deltaWidth.toInt()
} else {
// Extend start bounds vertically
startScale = startBounds.width() / finalBounds.width()
val startHeight: Float = startScale * finalBounds.height()
val deltaHeight: Float = (startHeight - startBounds.height()) / 2f
startBounds.top -= deltaHeight.toInt()
startBounds.bottom += deltaHeight.toInt()
// 이전버튼 동작을 위해 추가
mStartScale = startScale
// Hide the thumbnail and show the zoomed-in view. When the animation
// begins, it will position the zoomed-in view in the place of the
// thumbnail.
thumbView.alpha = 0f
expandedImageView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// Set the pivot point for SCALE_X and SCALE_Y transformations
// to the top-left corner of the zoomed-in view (the default
// is the center of the view).
expandedImageView.pivotX = 0f
expandedImageView.pivotY = 0f
// Construct and run the parallel animation of the four translation and
// scale properties (X, Y, SCALE_X, and SCALE_Y).
currentAnimator = AnimatorSet().apply {
).apply {
with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.Y, startBounds.top, finalBounds.top))
with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_X, startScale, 1f))
with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_Y, startScale, 1f))
duration = shortAnimationDuration.toLong()
interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()
addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) {
currentAnimator = null
override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator) {
currentAnimator = null
// Upon clicking the zoomed-in image, it should zoom back down
// to the original bounds and show the thumbnail instead of
// the expanded image.
expandedImageView.setOnClickListener {
// 아래 코드 함수로 이동
Back 키 누를경우 activity finish 기능을 추가했더니
zoom된 상태에서 back 키 누를경우 화면이 finish 되는 문제로
expandedImageView.setOnClickListener의 내용을 따로 분리해서 back key 눌렀을때에 같이 이용.
private lateinit var mThumbView: View
private lateinit var mStartBounds: RectF
private var mStartScale: Float = 0.0f
private fun closeExpandedImageView() {
// Animate the four positioning/sizing properties in parallel,
// back to their original values.
currentAnimator = AnimatorSet().apply {
play(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.X, mStartBounds.left)).apply {
with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.Y, mStartBounds.top))
with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_X, mStartScale))
with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandedImageView, View.SCALE_Y, mStartScale))
duration = shortAnimationDuration.toLong()
interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()
addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) {
mThumbView.alpha = 1f
expandedImageView.visibility = View.GONE
currentAnimator = null
override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator) {
mThumbView.alpha = 1f
expandedImageView.visibility = View.GONE
currentAnimator = null
// Pinch-to-Zoom 기능
implementation 'com.github.chrisbanes:PhotoView:2.1.3'
이렇게 또 하나 했는데 재미가 없다. 왜 그럴까??
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